Wednesday 3 April 2013

When the bully victim fights back

That one boy at your church that was bullied in the bus.
The boy whom everyone loves
He is good with kids and very smart, well a few years ago he told me he had a crush on me HAHAHA it was the sweetest thing ever.
I told spoke to him about bit and made him understand I am older than him
He plays the drums and often a character in one of our church plays.
Athi is a comedian even if he doesnt say a thing.
You would leave your kids with him and come back to find them entertained during the holiday Club.
I got to church and noticed he wasnt there but I thought he was with the kids.
I couldnt hold my taers in when my Pastor prayed for his mother saying he hopes everything goes well with Athi.
I had so many questions and couldnt wait for the last Amen, it was not the curiousity of the Journalist in me.
It was the concern of a sister.
I found out that he had killed a boy in self defence, the other boy being one of the many who bullied him and his friends on their way to and from church.
Instead of feeling sorry for the deceased and his family I cried so hard for Athi, I couldnt believe such a nice and happy boy underwent such trauma.
I couldnt wait to see him but I found out he was moved to another City.
A week later he visited his mom and I saw him in church I wanted to talk to him but I knew that I would be left with tears.
A second later I felt a sharp pain in my eye, It was a tear drop wanting so bad to exit my eye and they followed one after the other.
 I didnt know what to say to him I cannot even remember what he asked me but I gave him a thumbs up.

In other News on the 19 March 2013; Gugulethu police issued a statement about a fatal fight which claimed the life of a boy who is said to have been a bully. 

"We have established that these boys argued because the deceased always bullies them. At this stage nothing shows that the suspect and the deceased are linked to any gang activities. The suspect has open stab wound alleging that he was stabbed with a scissor by the deceased."


1 comment:

  1. Is it normal to say that the story is beautiful?
    If it is then, it is.
