Wednesday 3 April 2013

Middle aged single women desparate to get hitched.

It is said that marriage is every girls's dream.
I really dont get why most single middle aged women I know are so desparate for marriage.
Its not a race thing middle aged women wanna get hitched thats that.
Recently I was called by this lady who said she had a story to share, on the phone she sounded like a raped little girl.
I could hear her dying inside just by listening to her voice over the phone.
I finally made it to her house, she is a fifty something year old.
She was so restless, she went from sweeping the floor to tidying up in her lounge (which was so unnesessary).
She finally sat down and the first thing that came out was the words "I am done with men Asiphe"
I thought she had been raped.
But I learned that she slept with a guy she knew for a few weeks and sadly he left her after promising her marriage.
I am not sure she why she was so upset, was the fact that she allowed him to sleep with her without using protection or was it because he did all that and had left her.
She showed me numerous sms's where she is telling him to get tested with her.
But why would you want to get tested with someone who left you?
I drew my own conclusions.. This lady exposed herself to HIV/AIDS because she wanted marriage.
I dont know why I judged her maybe its because I dont get why you would sleep with someone you have known a few weeks and on top of that not use a condom.
I say she is desperate because she told me how she met him, It was not a very natural meeting.
See this lady saw a group of men and told her friends she is looking for a man and we all know men dont let such an opportunity go by.
He got it on with her and disappeared after the dance. It is really sad what women would rather face than be alone, some would rather be beaten, cheated on and even have their kids raped by this man ,they endure everything for the sake of having a husband.
Maybe my being raised by a single parent is the reason why I feel this way.
But I can only imagine what life would be like at home if we had a father.
Honestly I have never seen a married man laugh and watch soapies with his kids.
A man who would protect his family and be faithful to his wife.
The fear of being alone in women is very dangerous... it destroys lives.

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