Wednesday 3 April 2013

Middle aged single women desparate to get hitched.

It is said that marriage is every girls's dream.
I really dont get why most single middle aged women I know are so desparate for marriage.
Its not a race thing middle aged women wanna get hitched thats that.
Recently I was called by this lady who said she had a story to share, on the phone she sounded like a raped little girl.
I could hear her dying inside just by listening to her voice over the phone.
I finally made it to her house, she is a fifty something year old.
She was so restless, she went from sweeping the floor to tidying up in her lounge (which was so unnesessary).
She finally sat down and the first thing that came out was the words "I am done with men Asiphe"
I thought she had been raped.
But I learned that she slept with a guy she knew for a few weeks and sadly he left her after promising her marriage.
I am not sure she why she was so upset, was the fact that she allowed him to sleep with her without using protection or was it because he did all that and had left her.
She showed me numerous sms's where she is telling him to get tested with her.
But why would you want to get tested with someone who left you?
I drew my own conclusions.. This lady exposed herself to HIV/AIDS because she wanted marriage.
I dont know why I judged her maybe its because I dont get why you would sleep with someone you have known a few weeks and on top of that not use a condom.
I say she is desperate because she told me how she met him, It was not a very natural meeting.
See this lady saw a group of men and told her friends she is looking for a man and we all know men dont let such an opportunity go by.
He got it on with her and disappeared after the dance. It is really sad what women would rather face than be alone, some would rather be beaten, cheated on and even have their kids raped by this man ,they endure everything for the sake of having a husband.
Maybe my being raised by a single parent is the reason why I feel this way.
But I can only imagine what life would be like at home if we had a father.
Honestly I have never seen a married man laugh and watch soapies with his kids.
A man who would protect his family and be faithful to his wife.
The fear of being alone in women is very dangerous... it destroys lives.

When the bully victim fights back

That one boy at your church that was bullied in the bus.
The boy whom everyone loves
He is good with kids and very smart, well a few years ago he told me he had a crush on me HAHAHA it was the sweetest thing ever.
I told spoke to him about bit and made him understand I am older than him
He plays the drums and often a character in one of our church plays.
Athi is a comedian even if he doesnt say a thing.
You would leave your kids with him and come back to find them entertained during the holiday Club.
I got to church and noticed he wasnt there but I thought he was with the kids.
I couldnt hold my taers in when my Pastor prayed for his mother saying he hopes everything goes well with Athi.
I had so many questions and couldnt wait for the last Amen, it was not the curiousity of the Journalist in me.
It was the concern of a sister.
I found out that he had killed a boy in self defence, the other boy being one of the many who bullied him and his friends on their way to and from church.
Instead of feeling sorry for the deceased and his family I cried so hard for Athi, I couldnt believe such a nice and happy boy underwent such trauma.
I couldnt wait to see him but I found out he was moved to another City.
A week later he visited his mom and I saw him in church I wanted to talk to him but I knew that I would be left with tears.
A second later I felt a sharp pain in my eye, It was a tear drop wanting so bad to exit my eye and they followed one after the other.
 I didnt know what to say to him I cannot even remember what he asked me but I gave him a thumbs up.

In other News on the 19 March 2013; Gugulethu police issued a statement about a fatal fight which claimed the life of a boy who is said to have been a bully. 

"We have established that these boys argued because the deceased always bullies them. At this stage nothing shows that the suspect and the deceased are linked to any gang activities. The suspect has open stab wound alleging that he was stabbed with a scissor by the deceased."


Thursday 14 March 2013

Do I stand a chance in this Industry..

Its been 8 months into the Industry and I am loving it but I have to admit being a Journalist is scary.
People expect you to be all serious and angry at the World, the President, Police and every other thing.
There are just those of us who are not easily angered.. we are born happy does that make us bad people.
I never knew commenting on a status would upset me that much.
It was a post about the recent Daveyton case where Police assaulted a Taxi driver from Mozambique.
A print Journalist friend of mine posted expressing her displeasure on the matter , "They saw the crowd filming it and they continued assauting him," she wrote.
And I followed with a "lol they are idiots" and little did I know that a Tv Journalist would be disgusted by my "lol" in the comment, she couldnt understand how I would be LAUGHING OUT LOUD after such a tragic.
I hated how she made me feel, I felt so useless and unsure whethere I should be here or not.
She was not infront of me but I could sense that she was really mad at me.
I felt defeated I kept thinking about it over and over again, But since when do we have to laugh at the same things.. Why was I Laughing Out loud anyway?
I dont know but I did , its probably because I dont say anything without a smile on face.
Is this still the place for me?
I will have to stick around and find out.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

New Beginnings.

Its been two months into the New Year and I feel guilty for not having posted anything yet.
You made new years resolutions and probably forgot them by now hahaha but thats life.
If like me you set some goals and challenges for yourself good luck those are not easily forgotten.
2012 as awesome we made new friends and enemies but its all good.
And I think I found love, "He was" now is.
The year is still young no need to feel guilty, I failed my very first test in life this year and that has kept me going.
Part of my plans for this year was to try and attend church as often  as I can, but the last time I was there was on Christmas.(I went, did you?)
As much as I am not a fashion writer, I urge you to stay away from, colour blocking and WrtInG lIkE tHiS!.

Thursday 13 December 2012

He was.

I used to be so picky when it came to who I should date.
You had to be educated, have a fashion sense, the right body and looking good never killed nobody and all that was because I know what I want.
Until I met him...No it wasnt love at first sight, it grew stronger everyday.
He was one of those smart and shy looking guys not really Mr Hot or the typical type.
Funny guy but still sensitive with a warm heart.
I would suddenly pause from work and allow him to dominate in my mind, smiles were the order of the day.
Strong arms maybe I even thought he was going to marry me. *Sigh*.
Why would you date someone who does not possess the features you dream of.
I call that settling for less but does it matter when you love.
It didnt matter to me.
I still ask myself why he left , I am hot, smart and stylish.
Well maybe thats what happens when you feed a pig strawberry.

I am a lady, talking sports and politics sometimes bore me (yawns), even though I am a Journalist in training.
I woulnt call it ignorance, I am a colourful person and trust me there aint nothing colourful about Jacob Zuma (ANC) and Bafana Bafana.
It is green and gold all the way baby, come to think of it I dont remember wearing those two colours together argggg.
I chose to be a voice to the voiceless but I will never forget about myself and what I have to say.
I have a lot to say especially where fashion trends and beauty are concerned.
Ever heard of a Fashion Journalist or a Beauty Bulletin writer ,.. well I aspire to be one.. shushshshshsh dont tell anyone just yet..

Wednesday 24 October 2012

There are brains underneath the weave!

You know its sad when woman degrade other women by upgrading themselves.
Just by a simple Facebook status update , you can tell how a person (woman) looks and most of all how they feel about themselves.
I will give you a few examples and explain what I think about them.
My first "Im sorry sisters but the weave doesnt do it for me" I ask myself who forced you to go get a weave?? and why would they put you under so much pressure..then I realised that she was considering it but not sure how she would look with a weave on!!
Now this girl probably has short hair that is struggling to get growth, she is too afraid to try out new things because she has self esteem problems, she would rather make me feel bad by saying bad things about the WEAVE..
My second girl updates statuses by degrading women..talks about how fat ,skinny other women are,
she is attention seeking, and she wants it from men! her hair and clothes are on point she might be a little fake and very lonely.
Okay now let me tell something about us the weave babes:
We are not afraid to try out new things, we love what we see in the mirror before and after a bath.
We dont hold on to the afro  but we go bald when we feel like it and still look hot.
I have never seen an ugly women we are all unique different shapes and sizes is a cliche but its true.
We have flaws but lets not make ourselves feel better by saying nasty things about other women.
Learn to love you with your many birth marks and pimples on your face, yes the weave is not my own hair but I LOVE should respect that.