Wednesday 24 October 2012

There are brains underneath the weave!

You know its sad when woman degrade other women by upgrading themselves.
Just by a simple Facebook status update , you can tell how a person (woman) looks and most of all how they feel about themselves.
I will give you a few examples and explain what I think about them.
My first "Im sorry sisters but the weave doesnt do it for me" I ask myself who forced you to go get a weave?? and why would they put you under so much pressure..then I realised that she was considering it but not sure how she would look with a weave on!!
Now this girl probably has short hair that is struggling to get growth, she is too afraid to try out new things because she has self esteem problems, she would rather make me feel bad by saying bad things about the WEAVE..
My second girl updates statuses by degrading women..talks about how fat ,skinny other women are,
she is attention seeking, and she wants it from men! her hair and clothes are on point she might be a little fake and very lonely.
Okay now let me tell something about us the weave babes:
We are not afraid to try out new things, we love what we see in the mirror before and after a bath.
We dont hold on to the afro  but we go bald when we feel like it and still look hot.
I have never seen an ugly women we are all unique different shapes and sizes is a cliche but its true.
We have flaws but lets not make ourselves feel better by saying nasty things about other women.
Learn to love you with your many birth marks and pimples on your face, yes the weave is not my own hair but I LOVE should respect that.

My Journey

At age 12 I thought being successful ,meant having a rich husband, who owns a car and takes the family out on weekends.
I then grew to realise that being successful meant earning and working hard for what you own, as a kid who grew up in a single parent home I would sometimes question why some kids are in the back seat of a a family car with parents infront while I am peacefully seated in a taxi with my mom.
Looking at those kids be it white, black or coloure, I would be so interested in knowing their daily routines, I would go as far as eavesdropping on their conversations as my mom held my hand on our way to the Michelles Plain taxi rank.
A few years later I have grown to realise the important things in life. I know the love of a mother even though we spent some years in a shack she still took me out for Fish n Chips and Ice cream even when she had a Somalian as an Employer.
Some would call that poverty but I call it Love.
I just cannot describe the love she has given to me!
I know what it feels like to sleep alone at night and listen to gangster robbing a person just outside your home. I have grown with all that.
Back to success.. I grew to understand that not all ,arried couples are happy.. and I dont know all this by eavesdropping on conversations.
Even though I am still working hard to being a financially independent woman, I still want a rich husband I am sorry but poverty is not attractive to me.
I still want kids on the back seat of the car but this time I WILL BE ON THE DRIVING SEAT.
Poverty is not sexy and I do not wish it upon anyone, My point is; I may be working hard for everything I want but I still have those childhood dreams.