Friday 9 March 2012

The muffin belly in Cape Town

The fast food market is rapidly incraesing with braai stands and fisheries scarted throughout Cape Town.Nowadays citizens do not have to take a taxi to have a take awaymeal.
This has however,resulted in alot of obese people in the Western Part of South Africa.
While many especiallywomen, may believe in having curves around their waist , others are rather disgusted encouraging people to eat healthy and exercise regularly.
Ideally life shouldnt be about poeple starving themselves in order for them to reach a certain size to be accepted into society, but where should one draw the line? , when do you know you are fat? is it maybe when one's belly is reaching for the hips?
Nomelikhaya Joseph a 51 year old woman weighing 150 on the scale believes a woman should have meat on her bones ,"something for my man to hold onto"she laughs.

This may be the way most women feel but, what about the dangers of being unhealthly overweight? because it appears most people aren't much educated about the dangers of obesity.

The Western Cape has the highest number of obesed people. with this statement you can't help but try and find reason as  to why this is so, you try by all means to find answers and you ask questions.

Do all overweight people want to be so?
what role does circumstances playin one size?

If you were to compare the meals in a Surburban household and those in a township home, you would find that most township dwellers have a large portion of starch made up from potatoes and rice.

Realityy tells us that one breadwinner in a home can not afford to provide every person in a family of 10 with 5 different portions of fruit and veg.It would also be unfair to compare theses two homes.

Gcobisa Sizani a health student at the University of the Western Cape believes that it wouold be unfair to comapare especially when you are being conscious of differences,but she argues  that circumstances have everything to do with one's size and even though this may be the case "people should get into the habbit of regular exercise" says Sizani.

Vuyiseka Jaji a local model from Eerste Rivier believes circumsatances should not be a set back whwen one is determined to lose weight and stay healthy, she also adds and says that beibng the perfect size is impossible but being overweight is dangerous.

Sizani says it should be made claer that obesity results in high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and a short life expectancy,"these are all silent killers" she concludes.

1 comment:

  1. wow! very interesting information there. i personally don't like fat woman if may say. but its very difficult 2 get ones that are in shape cause u'll fine that they already doing that 2 try & impress the new guy. but i encourage woman 2 try n ease up on junk, excersise even by walking. . . my gf was lil bit overweight but now she joined a gym.
