Thursday 14 March 2013

Do I stand a chance in this Industry..

Its been 8 months into the Industry and I am loving it but I have to admit being a Journalist is scary.
People expect you to be all serious and angry at the World, the President, Police and every other thing.
There are just those of us who are not easily angered.. we are born happy does that make us bad people.
I never knew commenting on a status would upset me that much.
It was a post about the recent Daveyton case where Police assaulted a Taxi driver from Mozambique.
A print Journalist friend of mine posted expressing her displeasure on the matter , "They saw the crowd filming it and they continued assauting him," she wrote.
And I followed with a "lol they are idiots" and little did I know that a Tv Journalist would be disgusted by my "lol" in the comment, she couldnt understand how I would be LAUGHING OUT LOUD after such a tragic.
I hated how she made me feel, I felt so useless and unsure whethere I should be here or not.
She was not infront of me but I could sense that she was really mad at me.
I felt defeated I kept thinking about it over and over again, But since when do we have to laugh at the same things.. Why was I Laughing Out loud anyway?
I dont know but I did , its probably because I dont say anything without a smile on face.
Is this still the place for me?
I will have to stick around and find out.